Emirty Health Passport Platform

Emirty Health Passport Platform

One of the most interesting features of blockchain technology is its rapid development. Almost every day there is something new from the technology. And almost all areas of everyday life are also developed in this technology. Besides being very easy to use this technology is more secure than conventional technology. If you are already involved in this technology you must already know that in this technology there is a decentralized system. This system minimizes the chances of avoiding the role of a third person, who may make no crime.

And on this day we will discuss a new platform to be launched. This specialist platform is made in the health field. What is certain this platform will be able to help you in realizing a healthy life, especially for our family. And hopefully this platform can be liked by many people.

 About Emrify Health Passport

This platform is called Emrify, or more fully named with Emrify Health Passport. This platform is a platform created to record our health. The platform is built on blockchain technology. With this platform, it is expected that everyone can get health information quickly wherever they are.
And for those of you who have health complaints it helps you use this platform. By using this platform you can have your personal medical catata, which will be very useful to realize excellent health. That way what you want for your health will be done quickly. In addition you can also get more information you need on this platform.

Emrify has been innovating in the health care industry with mobile applications for personal medical records (PHR), drug information, and clinical trials with thousands of downloads and thousands of users on the platform. It’s will be the next solution for healthy, other that Emrify always do the best for this project. Emrify embraces new technology while maintaining an in-depth understanding of the challenges it faces.

As a company, Emrify is constantly looking for loopholes in the health care industry to resolve Interoperability issues. Emrify strongly believes that blockchain is a powerful weapon to solve this big problem. The decentralization model has become a focal point for every party involved in the entire range of health services. More importantly, it has energized the public to demand more from their healthcare providers. To make this project success, Emrify will launch token to build the ecosystem.

Opportunity of Invetation And Token

And for those of you who are looking for a safe investment place, you can join this platform. Emrify opens opportunities for you through an ICO. So if you want to invest I suggest to invest on this platform. Surely future opportunities are still wide open in the world of health. As well as this market will continue to increase in line with the increasing number of people in the world.
For those of you who want to join this platform you can buy tokens to be issued by this token. The token info you can see in the paragraph below:

Detail Emrify Token Sale

  1. Token: HIT
  2. Platform: Ethereum
  3. Type: ERC20
  4. Price in ICO: 1 HIT = 0.025 USD
  5. Tokens for sale: 400,000,000
  6. Min. investment: 100 USD
  7. Accepting: BTC, ETH
  8. Distributed in ICO: 40%
  9. Soft cap: 3,000,000 USD
  10. Hard cap: 10,000,000 USD

For more information, please visit the link below:

Username : toy4403


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