MICROMONEY Pengolahan Data Untuk Bisnis Anda

MICROMONEY " Pengolahan Data Untuk Bisnis Anda " There are still more than 2 billion people inhabitants do not have a definite opinion for their tubes. These people are still excluded from the local and global economic arena because they still use cash and do not have access to financial services. Taking loans is something that is difficult for them, unless they already have a credit-taking note, if they have never had a history of borrowing then getting a loan will be more difficult. Establishment of MicroMoney with the aim to provide solutions to this problem. MicroMoney was established as a microfinance institution and has sharpened the business into a decentralized Data and Credit Bureau in Blockchain. Since 2015, micro money provides individual loans and SMEs as the best loans as a solution to meet their financial needs. MicroMoney uses an innovative risk pool in order to help 2 billion disadvantaged people and has no solid financial foundation for buildi...